Friday, January 15, 2010

A disgusting couple.

It is so annoying!!! Feel that Facebook suddenly become Fri*ndster.

I'm get sick today, high fever and my chest not feeling well. Since there is so bored and I thought not to keep sleeping whole day, so I just on my lappy, to update my facebook. There are some people spam my facebook!!!!!!!! ARRRGGHHH!!! 

A disgusting couple and their friends keep sending me the stupid link and want to vote for them. Seriously, vote doesn't matter, but the problem is the photo can't attract me totally. And I thought if I don't reply them, then should be okay. Now, they keep sending me the link in facebook and also msn!!! wtf

The photo is normal, shows a couple had been captured inside the photo, that's it. The photographer is okay, but the models.... one words 'YUCKKSSS'!!! Pui!!!!

Pls... If photos posted to be shown to others, then still consider okay; but now relates to voting. OMG!!! Sumor ask me vote for it!!! Pls... You guys are really so annoying. I'm sick, although i'm bored, but facebook is not for voting, and show off your disgusting photos.

Get away!!! No no, it should be GET LOST!!!!

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