Monday, January 11, 2010

Madding vs Disappointing

Have you ever think that what will be happened when you grow old? Look at your grandma or grandpha, do you know what they are thinking now? Then what do you think about them?

Today I went to hospital, i just saw so many things. It is hurt seriously.

An old lady, which just done her operation and was doing checkup, and I saw a woman kept scolding about that old lady. I don't know what was going on, so I just kept looking at them, especially old lady...

Old lady was sitting on wheelchair, keep quietly all the time, I just heard the woman scolding, complaining... Everything related to the old lady, dislike the old lady which so troublesome to bother the woman and have to pay for her medical fees. 

Old lady still kept quietly, suddenly I heard " Sorry, this is the last time for my medical checkup" said old lady, and her tears dropped. I saw her disappointment. Her eyes and nose were red.

I know why she was so disappointed, it is not because of this was her last checkup, but how this woman treated her. And old lady said " I wanna go home, the old folk house". She treats that old folk house as her 'house'. Everyone was looking at them that time, the hospital is quiet, but there was some sounds of complaining. Few minutes later, one leave with madding, another one with disappointing.

I must say, that woman is the old lady's daughter!

Would you like to see this ending while you grow old? Old lady, old man, They are human also, they do need love and care, as we do. 

Ah ma, ah gong, I love you. I wish I can be with you while I can. I'm so selfish, i'm not afraid of dead, but I afraid of loss.

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