Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Zuo Zuo

3 years ago, 13th Jan 2007, I lost my great grandma. I still miss her so much like last time.

I still remember that time I just finished my SPM exam, also received my driving license, and was thinking about how to have fun and bring my sicked late great grandma to any places under my fetching. However, in an early morning, someone woke me up from my dream, and I knew that she had been left in few minutes ago.

And, there were some conflicts happened between our relatives, so... our family members have no chance to hold a memorial ceremony for my love late great grandma, we can only pray inside our deep heart. And, we do.

I should say i'm the luckiest one, because when I was a child, I got the chances to travel with her and took photos together. It was so memorable for me.

This was the last photo that my late great grandma took, she smiled. Yea, we do miss her smile.

She sicked heavily, but she never give up. She always requested for seeing doctor, until few days before left. She told that she had no more energy for fighting with the serious illness. And asked us don't cry. But we cried in the deep heart also. 

Zuo Zuo (great grandma), we do miss you all the while. You wanted me to learn not to give up easily, I will listen to you, I will take medicine everyday, I promise... I will fight for you.

Bless me, to give more energy for fighting with my illness. I know you are there and seeing me all the while in heaven. 

I miss you, and I love you...

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