Thursday, February 18, 2010



Sorry, I have not much time to update my blog. But, this is my little update for CNY 2010.

I was so busy these few days, food, angpao, gamble, party, drink & drunk. These were how I spent in these days.

Btw, I know how to play mahjong now. Muahahaha.... I know it is not a big matter.

Everyday reached home at least 3.30 am,wtf. I'm enjoying my CNY celebrations.
Party last night.

Seriously, please don't go club during CNY, fucking much people!!! We was like sandwiches and sardines, stuck in the club. But, it was quite enjoyable.

I'm going to off for dinner later, with dear's family. 

p/s: To Aston Koh and Louis Koh, both of you had finished my 1983 lafite!!! I wanna kill both of you!!!

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