Monday, February 1, 2010

Ms Ribenna

Everyone said Chinese New Year (CNY) must 'Ang ang ang', means all RED la. So, I had dyed my hair into red also. Purple red!!! 

It is totally same with Ribenna's color. I think I should change my name now. wtf

I think I need some time to adapt it. It is not like totally can't accept, just it takes time. hahaha... 

This is my story, and I heard one of my besties said that she also went for hair cut, but she cried. Because of cut until toooooo short already. Seriously she cried. Hahaha... Don't cry la babe. 

So, both of us, temporary have no photos to show. Give us some time please...

Another story, I went to Thaipusam celebration last Saturday with dear and friends.

Everyone brought a PROFESSIONAL DSLR except me, because it is too heavy for me, I left my Babie D 90 at home. Btw, they really looked so PRO!!! However, I haven't see the photos which taken by them. Hehe...

Taken by dear, I know it looks funny. I don't why he can get this photo.

Damn hot the weather, look at me, what did I wore, the weather was killing me, even now. After it, we went to somewhere which provides air-con, tada.... Coffee Island. Swt, seriously, Nicole anti this cafe. 

My friend was busy+ing to play iPhone's game. Me and dear, nothing to do, so... simply take photossss....

Look at him, smile so fake. Lol...

It will be CNY after 2 more weeks, happy or unhappy, I also don't know... Dear tell me please... You still owed me somethings.

p/s: wish my red hair will look much better after today... hope I can adapt it ASAP!

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